Sidharth Malhotra, following a series of action films, is set to explore romance once again with his upcoming project, tentatively titled Param Sundari. The actor began shooting for Tushar Jalota’s directorial venture in Nerul earlier this week. The first schedule will continue for the next two weeks, with leading lady Janhvi Kapoor set to join the shoot in early January.
Sidharth Malhotra to explore romance in Param Sundari with Janhvi Kapoor; shooting begins in Navi Mumbai
Param Sundari features Sidharth Malhotra as a suave business tycoon from Delhi, while Janhvi Kapoor plays a free-spirited artist from Kerala. The ongoing schedule focuses on capturing key scenes that highlight Malhotra’s character’s emotional journey. The love story, which blends northern and southern elements, promises to be a fresh romantic venture for the actors.
The ongoing shoot in Nerul is essential for establishing Sidharth Malhotra’s character’s backstory in Param Sundari. Emotional scenes are being filmed in Kharghar and Nerul, with the focus on Malhotra’s journey. Once Janhvi Kapoor joins the team in January, romantic sequences between the pair will be shot. Following the Mumbai leg, the team plans extensive schedules in Kerala and Delhi to complete the film.
The rom-com Param Sundari, marking the first collaboration between Sidharth Malhotra and Janhvi Kapoor, is part of a larger on-screen universe being developed by producer Dinesh Vijan. This universe is separate from his popular horror-comedy franchise, expanding his creative vision into new genres.
Also Read : Sidharth Malhotra reveals Kishore Kumar hits are his go-to tunes on the road and in the gym: “Was listening to ‘Dilbar Mere’ while doing my cardio”
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