Sonu Sood, hailed as the “real-life hero” of India, continues to bridge the gap between stardom and the masses with his heartfelt gestures. In an unprecedented move, Sonu has announced that tickets for the opening day of his highly anticipated film Fateh will be priced at just Rs 99 for the first day. While blockbuster releases often come with premium ticket rates, Sonu’s initiative ensures that cinema remains accessible to everyone, reinforcing his deep connection with the common man.
Sonu Sood offers opening day tickets for Fateh at Rs 99, promises to donate profits to charity
Fateh, an action-packed drama inspired by real-life stories of courage and resilience, delivers a powerful message of unity and strength. Sonu’s decision to make tickets affordable stems from his belief in the film’s universal appeal and his gratitude to audiences.
In the video, Sonu Says, (translated in English) “In 2020, when we were hit by Covid, many people who reached out to me for help were victims of cybercrime. They were dealing with fraud, and money was drained from their accounts. This deeply resonated with me, and I wanted to tell the story of the common man. Fateh is a film made for the common man, and I wanted it to reach everyone in the most accessible way across India. That’s why we’ve decided to price tickets at just Rs 99 for the first day. Additionally, I will be donating the entire profit from the film to charity as my way of giving back to people.”
Written and directed by Sonu Sood, Fateh blends high-octane action with a socially impactful narrative. In addition to slashing ticket prices, Sonu has pledged to donate the film’s profits to charities and orphanages, further cementing his reputation as a humanitarian. As Sonu himself says, “Every ticket of Fateh that is sold will help those in need.”
Produced by Umesh KR Bansal under Zee Studios and Sonali Sood of Shakti Sagar Productions, Fateh promises breathtaking visuals, adrenaline-pumping stunts, and a gripping storyline releasing on January 10, 2025.
Also Read: Fateh actor Sonu Sood refers to Jacqueline Fernandez as ‘a very good soul’
More Pages: Fateh Box Office Collection , Fateh Movie Review
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