Tabu, who recently shared her excitement of joining the team Bhoot Bangla, was caught in the midst of a controversy when an alleged report associated the actress with a comment that loosely meant ‘wanting to share a bed with a man’. Followed by such reports, an upset Tabu decided to issue a clarification statement where she not only asserted that she is being wrongly accused of making a remark and condemned the media for misinformation and falsely implicating her for making those statements, but she also demanded an apology from the publication.
Tabu says ‘STOP PRESS’ as controversial remark on ‘wanting to share a bed with a man’ goes viral
Tabu demands apology
In a statement shared by the actress and her team, it read, “STOP PRESS! There are several websites and social media handles that have falsely attributed certain undignified statements to Tabu. We would like to clarify that she never made these quotes, and it is a serious breach of ethics to mislead the audience. We demand that these websites remove the fabricated quotes immediately and issue a formal apology for their actions – Issued by Tabu’s Management Team.”
What was the controversial statement about
According to some reports, actress Tabu was asked about her marriage during the promotions of her 2024 release Crew, during which the actress had reportedly said, ‘She is not interested in marriage but would only want a man in bed’. However, her and her team have insisted that the actress never made any such statements.
About Tabu’s upcoming projects
On the work front, Tabu recently came into limelight for her role in the JioCinema series Dune: Prophecy. Speaking of her current work commitments, while the actress likes to remain tight-lipped about her films and projects, she took to social media to announce her reunion with Akshay Kumar in Bhoot Bangla after 25 years, which is a horror comedy directed by Priyadarshan.
Also Read: Akshay Kumar welcomes Tabu with a hug on Bhooth Bangla set as they reunite after 25 years
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