Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is currently recovering at Lilavati Hospital after a horrifying burglary incident at his Bandra residence. The actor, who sustained six stab wounds during a scuffle with the intruder, underwent surgery and is reported to be in stable condition. In a significant development, the Bandra Police has revealed new details about the incident. According to an official statement, domestic help Eliyama Phillipes, alias Lima, was the first to spot the intruder at approximately 2 am. Upon seeing the robber, Lima screamed, alerting the rest of the household.
Saif Ali Khan Incident: Bandra Police releases statement; reveals house help was first to spot intruder
The statement further added, “The domestic help Eliyama Phillipes alias Lima, was the first one to spot the robber at around 2 am. She screamed and alerted Khan’s family members. Khan then woke up and had a scuffle with the robber, who attacked him with a sharp object, preliminary probe has revealed. Currently, the domestic help Lima has been brought to the Bandra police station for questioning. She has sustained injuries on her right wrist. She was the one who was attacked first by the intruder.”
The police have begun questioning Lima to uncover more details about the incident and determine the intruder’s intentions.
On the other hand, revealing details of the actor’s health, doctors at Lilavati Hospital have provided an update on Saif Ali Khan’s condition following a series of complex medical procedures. The actor had surgery to remove a knife that was lodged in his spine. A doctor from the medical team, shared, “Surgery was performed to remove the knife lodged in the spine and stop the spinal fluid leaking. Two other injuries, one on the left hand and the other on the neck, were repaired with plastic surgery.”
The incident unfolded when a burglar broke into Khan’s Bandra residence in the early hours. After being alerted by Lima’s screams, Saif woke up and confronted the intruder. A physical altercation ensued, during which Saif sustained six stab wounds, including a severe one near his spine and another on his wrist.
The Bollywood fraternity and Saif Ali Khan’s fans have flooded social media with prayers and well-wishes for the actor’s speedy recovery. His wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and the rest of the family have expressed gratitude for the public’s support and have requested privacy during this challenging time.
As Saif Ali Khan continues to recover, updates on both his health and the ongoing investigation are expected in the coming days. This shocking incident has raised serious concerns about celebrity security and the need for heightened safety measures.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan attack update: Doctor confirms actor’s condition is stable; says, “He sustained major injury to the thoracic spinal cord”
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