Pushpa 2 – The Rule has generated a historic craze like never before across India. The original Telugu version has seen historic advances and even the Hindi and Tamil versions have received unprecedented response. This time, the exhibitors were relieved as there was no clash and they could plan the programming in advance without any headache. But an unexpected challenge cropped up in front of them – the revenue sharing terms.
Single screens in Hindi speaking markets reject 60% revenue share demand for Pushpa 2 – The Rule; final terms to be decided post-release
An exhibitor told Bollywood Hungama on condition of anonymity, “The distributors and exhibitors demanded 60% share in the revenue that would be generated from the sale of tickets in single screens. They felt that they were justified with this demand due to the never-before-seen anticipation generated by Pushpa 2 – The Rule.”
The source added, “However, all the exhibitors in the Hindi-speaking markets as well as Andhra Pradesh-Telangana vehemently rejected this idea. The distributors tried to convince but the exhibitors are adamant that such terms are not acceptable. They argued that 50% revenue sharing is the norm and even the recent big-ticket films like Singham Again and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 adhered to it.”
The exhibitor continued, “As of now, both parties haven’t reached a consensus. The studio has dropped the 60% revenue-sharing idea and is looking at revenue sharing in the range of 50-55%. They have told the exhibitors that if Pushpa 2 – The Rule manages to become an all-time blockbuster in Hindi, then they’ll ask for 55% share. Or else, they’ll request for a share below the figure of 55.”
A trade expert commented, “In some circuits in the North, the distributor didn’t make such a demand. Also, in Andhra Pradesh-Telangana, a settlement was reached at 55% revenue sharing.”
Meanwhile, Pushpa 2 – The Rule’s makers faced issues when they also made similar demands in Tamil Nadu. A source down South said, “Many cinemas in Chennai like Sri Sakthi Cinemas, S2 Cinemas, AGS Cinemas, Baba Cinemas, Rohini, Ega Cinemas etc. have still not opened advances. The popular Broadway cinemas in Coimbatore, too, had not begun selling tickets until last night. The bookings opened on Wednesday, December 4, at 10:00 am. The other theatres are also expected to follow suit once both parties reach an agreement.”
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: CBFC passes Pushpa 2 – The Rule’s Hindi version 48 hours before release; replaces ‘Ramavatar’ with ‘Bhagwan’
More Pages: Pushpa 2 – The Rule Box Office Collection , Pushpa 2 – The Rule Movie Review
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