Varun Dhawan, currently in Jaipur to promote his upcoming film Baby John, has spoken in defence of Pushpa 2: The Rule star Allu Arjun following the tragic stampede at the film’s premiere in Hyderabad on December 4. The incident claimed the life of a 35-year-old woman and left her son critically injured. During a recent promotional event, Varun addressed the issue, stating that it is unfair to place all the blame on a single individual. A video of his statement has since gone viral on social media. This development comes as Allu Arjun faces arrest in connection with the stampede.
Varun Dhawan defends Allu Arjun amid Pushpa 2 stampede backlash; says, “Aap blame sirf ek insaan pe nahin daal sakte”
At a promotional event for Baby John in Jaipur, a video shared by paparazzo Pallav Paliwal captured Varun Dhawan addressing the Pushpa 2 stampede tragedy. In the clip, Varun stated, “Here are safety protocols. An actor cannot take everything upon himself.” He then talked about the promotional event in Jaipur, saying that Cinepolis has managed the event very well, and that he is grateful for it. He added that the tragedy at Pushpa 2 premiere was very painful, and that he is extremely sorry for the loss. However, he feels that it’s wrong to blame just one person. “I’m very sorry. Sending my condolences. But at the same time, I think aap blame sirf ek insaan pe nahi daal sakte (But at the same time I think that you cannot put the blame on just one person).”
On December 4, a stampede-like situation unfolded at the premiere of Allu Arjun’s film Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. The tragic incident claimed the life of a 35-year-old woman, while her nine-year-old son was hospitalized due to asphyxiation. On Friday, Hyderabad Police arrested Allu Arjun in connection with the incident. Officers from the Chikkadpally police station visited the actor’s residence and took him into custody.
According to the police, a case was filed against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management at the Chikkadpally police station under Sections 105 and 118(1) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), following a complaint by the deceased woman’s family.
On Wednesday, Allu Arjun approached the High Court seeking to quash the FIR and requested a stay on all related proceedings, including his arrest, until the petition is resolved. Previously, the Pushpa 2 star announced financial assistance of Rs. 25 lakh for the family of the deceased woman.
Also Read : Zero Se Restart: Varun Dhawan was considered for the lead role in Vikrant Massey’s 12th Fail
More Pages: Pushpa 2 – The Rule Box Office Collection , Pushpa 2 – The Rule Movie Review
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