The last Welcome To Japan, Ms. Elf! episode saw Wridra grow frustrated with Kazuhiro and Marie’s slow relationship, insisting on joining the labyrinth expedition. In the other world, Sven confronted them, demanding answers before attacking. His assistant teleported Marie and Wridra away, though Wridra threw Kazuhiro a sword before vanishing.
While Marie and Wridra overpowered the assistant, Kazuhiro struggled against Sven, eventually getting knocked into a river. Scolded for his performance, he regained his resolve and defeated Sven. With the guildmaster’s approval, they prepared for the labyrinth expedition.
Welcome To Japan, Ms. Elf! Episode 10 will see Kazuhiro and Marie spend a peaceful day in Japan, shopping at a supermarket before Marie attempts to cook curry. Meanwhile, in the fantasy world, their labyrinth exploration will begin.
With Wridra taking the role of their tank, the newly formed Amethyst Squad will advance through the dungeon. Upon reaching a grand hall beyond a large door, Wridra will suddenly draw her sword, declaring she would personally train them. Seemingly irritated, she will attempt to put them through an intense battle experience.
Titled ‘Fun Ancient Labyrinth,’ Welcome To Japan, Ms. Elf! Episode 10 will premiere in Japan at 10:00 pm JST on Friday, March 14, 2025. International viewers can expect the episode to release on the same day, with release times adjusted to local time zones.
Welcome To Japan, Ms. Elf! Episode 10 will stream on Crunchyroll with English subtitles following its weekly schedule. No other language dubs have been announced by Crunchyroll at this time.
For more updates from the Welcome To Japan, Ms. Elf! anime, keep up with Pinkvilla.
*The release dates and times provided are accurate at the time of writing and are subject to change at the discretion of the creators.
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